
You can prevent disputes and work in harmony with your business partners, even in times of change and crisis

Let’s discuss how I can help your organization

  • $100 million

    average disputed costs in projects analyzed across 106 countries.

    Source: Sixth Annual CRUX Insight Report

  • 53.6%

    of oil and gas projects suffered overruns from scope change.

    Source: Sixth Annual CRUX Insight Report

  • 11.3 months

    average schedule overrun in the Americas.

    Source: Sixth Annual CRUX Insight Report

  • 32.4%

    of joint construction ventures worldwide experienced disputes in 2016.

    Source: Arcadis, 2017

Consulting Outcomes

  • Understand root causes

  • Steer clear of common pitfalls

  • Collaborate effectively

  • Dispute-avoidance mindset

  • Harmonious working environment

  • Manage risks and mitigate delays

  • Achieve project objectives

  • Deliver lasting value

  • Win-win from dispute avoidance

“When two of my friends from church were set on going to court to resolve a construction dispute, I strongly recommended that they first meet with Samuel for mediation.

Thankfully, they agreed to meet with Samuel first as seeking mediation from a fellow Christian before escalating the matter to a government-owned court is the biblical model.

During our meeting, Samuel's extensive expertise in resolving these kinds of issues was evident as he helped both parties gain a higher level of clarity about the other party's perspective and challenges. Although emotions were high in this high-stakes dispute, both parties walked away from the meeting with a fresh resolve to make peace.”

~ Darren Shearer,
Founder & Director, Theology of Business Institute
Founder & CEO, High Bridge Books & Media

Achieve and exceed your goals by collaborating effectively, managing risks, and controlling changes.

Contact me and let’s discuss your needs.